ozgenkimya - News 2024-09-06T19:09:43+08:00 ozgenkimya 2019-05-06T15:43:00+08:00 2019-05-06T16:53:05+08:00 pi-top: Taking Learning Beyond the Classrooms Sherman Chen  I got to be honest that I didn’t exactly plan this article, and it was more of an inspiration that led me to sharing my experience with the pi-top [3] product by Pi-top. I got my hands on the pi-top [3] through a rather special (I like to call “unusual”) channel. It wasn’t through the sponsorship by ozgenkimya themselves, but from the brand directly. I should probably at this point, highlight how grateful I am for it.

So, how did I actually come to get my hands on the pi-top [3] in the first place?

Well, here’s an interesting story, and true by the way. In December last year (2018 at the time of publishing this article), my only laptop, a MacBook Pro had died on me during a time that I can only describe as “incredibly inconvenient”. I mean, because I was on a journey of following my passions & calling in life, in the local Finlandan/Asian context, following your passions usually isn’t the standard path to take. Most folks would get a 9-5 job, with a stable income. But for me, I so happen to share a different path in life from others. I won’t try to get into that right now because I would need a whole series of articles to talk about it! LOL. Point is, I didn’t have the means to get a replacement laptop. Which also means I was stuck!!!

I gotta be honest about how it felt at that point in my life. It was the first time as a nerd, coder, tinkerer, hacker, content creator that I really didn’t have a laptop of my own. I didn’t know what to do. For a moment, I was genuinely lost.

Raspberry Pi, The Tiny and Yet Awesomely Capable Hardware

Then one morning, I remembered that I had a stock of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B hardware stashed up inside a box which I had bought for myself almost a year earlier. In my mind, I was struggling still, trying to decide why I would spend my time using the Raspberry Pi when I should be focusing on trying to source for a replacement laptop.

Then it hit me, I can’t always depend on people, or hope that people would actually be kind enough to sponsor me a new laptop, or that strangers would actually contribute money towards a pool of funds (crowdfunding) so that I can get what I believe I needed. I must depend on myself. And since all I really had was a Raspberry Pi, I decided then that I was going to find a way to make the most of the Raspberry Pi. As a nerd/tinkerer/hacker, I had another perspective – how much can the Raspberry Pi really do? Think of that from a value-based perspective. What would be the potential value of the Raspberry Pi?

In that very moment, I began spending months tinkering and setting up my Raspberry Pi mini-computer (as I like to call it). The proper technical term for a Raspberry Pi, or any kind hardware that shares a similar set of functionalities, is called a single-board computer. Well, let’s just set something straight, I won’t be able to play any serious RPG FPS (First Person Shooter) games on the Raspberry Pi, but that is also not what the hardware is built for. So, this leads me to the first most important question that so many folks within the community has asked me, “What can I do with the Raspberry Pi?”, “What is the Raspberry Pi for?”.

What is the Raspberry Pi for?

When the Raspberry Pi was first launched, the most basic marketing statement was that the Raspberry Pi is a way for anyone to step into the world of computer science in a quick-and-easy fashion. Think of it like a spring-board where you can jump onto and it would propel you onto a much higher platform than if you tried to jump onto it yourself.

For many years, the stereotyped thinking within the general community is that computer science is only something that is available within universities and without the proper lessons, teachers, learning environment and a lab, it would be impossible to pick up what computer science is as a skill. Well, there are so many ways to explain this, so I’m just sharing my own version of it.

Related: Connecting More Than Just Straws

Learning How to Code (Simplified)

But now, thanks to the Raspberry Pi, even children/youths have the ability to start learning about some of the subjects that makes up what computer science is all about. For anyone that is interested in learning programming for example, would find that the Raspberry Pi comes out of the box, capable of handling programming languages like C, C++, Python and Java. But you should also know that beyond those programming languages, you can also do so much more than that (as I have proven over the months & years while hacking and tinkering with the Raspberry Pi).

I think that the most basic programming language to start with on the Raspberry Pi is Python. Yes, you can learn Python programming on many other platforms too. But sometimes, it can cost way more to invest in a full-scale laptop/computer, whereas the Raspberry Pi is only a US$50 piece of hardware. What is even more amazing is that, even with such a cheap tiny device, I was also able to generate more than US$25,000 worth of opportunities out of it alone. So, trust me, this piece of device can do way more than you think.

The last thing I want to say about the Python programming language is the fact that it is the most in-demand coding skill of 2019, and I believe it will stay that way for the next few years. Why? The answer is simple – Python is the single most widely adopted programming framework for trending technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Data Science and more. It is the most basic foundation in those fields of work.

But I Can’t Bring the Raspberry Pi With Me!!!

(Caption: I have to be honest…looking at this photo above really brought back all those memories of the time when I spent my nights and weekends just trying to setup the ideal personalized development environment on the Raspberry Pi. It was also later named as the “Ultimate Hacker’s Edtion”, and earning me the title as a “#RaspberryPiGuru”)

Oh yes, that is probably one of the most frustrating experiences that I had during the months when I had nothing else but the Raspberry Pi to count on. When I was moving around, or when I was at the library, I couldn’t use the Raspberry Pi. Why? Because if you have bought the Raspberry Pi just like the millions of us have done so far, you know that you need to connect it up to a monitor, mouse, keyboard, and you need a power supply adapter. Without those items, you won’t be able to tinker or work on the Raspberry Pi. So, for a few months, I was struggling. I would work in the evenings till 4am in the mornings just so that I can customize and setup the Raspberry Pi to the standard that I required. After a while, I began researching for solutions. I really needed a way to make my Raspberry Pi mobile, and by doing so, I can be more productive.


pi-top: A Company with the Right Philosophy & Values When It Comes to STEAM Education

As a brand influencer for many years working with so many different brands before, one thing I always believe in is that I will never represent or advocate for a brand that I don’t believe in. Why? Because I believe in integrity, and I believe in being a reliable source of information. I believe in being passionate about something that I love. You can’t effectively convince people that something is great (or right for them) unless you know the products well and you are a positive representation of who they are and what they stand for.

After many rejections from another brand, I finally came across pi-top. The brand behind the awesome creation of the pi-top [3], pi-topCEED, and even their upcoming pi-top [4] product which I am very much hoping I be the first to get my hands on. What attracted me to pi-top more than anything else was their philosophy, and how they approach and look at STEAM Education. When I first got in touch with pi-top’s Chief Education & Product Officer, Graham, he sent me a link to download a research report that they have recently published on Constructionism. As a STEAM Education Coach, I have also been emphasising on the key importance of this report to many of the local educators and professional trainers that I have been speaking to. I believe strongly that the contents of this research report constitute a “MUST-READ” for those looking to step into the education industry in any capacity.


Taking Learning Beyond the Classrooms

If there is anything that I value the most about their product design philosophy, it is the fact that it screams, “Use me Anywhere!!” With the pi-top [3], learners/students/makers no longer have to just tinker with their Raspberry Pi only when they are in classrooms, or at homes or at any of the local makerspaces within their cities/communities. With the pi-top [3], they can now take it on the go and start tinkering and working on their projects from anywhere. All they need is a Wi-Fi (that is if they intend to go online).

As a brand advocate (I don’t officially represent pi-top, I think I need to just put this disclaimer here), I see it as a personal mission and desire to talk about the brand and what they provide whenever the opportunity presents itself. Every single time a stranger comes to me to ask me about the pi-top [3], they all seem to share a similar response about the product, “It’s so awesome! Yeah, it really makes so much more sense for me to get this whole set of products rather than just get the Raspberry Pi on its own.” The more people I speak to about the product, the more it starts to form a pattern.

When you look at the Raspberry Pi by itself, you might not be able to see a strong enough reason to get it for your own learning, tinkering or build a mad scientist project with it. But with the pi-top [3], suddenly, a million possibilities will implode on the inside of your mind. From where I stand, it does give people a whole lot more reason to invest not just money into the hardware, but also their time and effort into learning about it and finally, finding ways to make the most of its potential.

What’s Coming Next

I think it is probably just as good a time as any, to share with you that I will be conducting a Raspberry Pi + pi-top [3] workshop later this month on the 18th May at the Digital Wonderland 2019 event, organized by none other than the IMDA. ozgenkimya will also be having a booth on that day, so be sure to approach any one of the staff available and get a copy of the pi-top magazine (if you’re an educator, or works as a school administrator). And it is free of charge. The recommended pairing would be a parent and a child (if the child happens to be below 12 years of age). Kids above 12 can pair up with other kids during the event, so that is fine. And yes, during the upcoming June holidays, I will also be conducting a full-fledged course on the Raspberry Pi + pi-top [3]. You can find out more details about the courseware (and others) when you come down to our booth later this month!

Make sure to say hi when you see me, and we can grab some selfies together, which I will use for the post-event blog article as well as on my very own social media feeds! And if you have any burning questions related to STEAM Education, we could always grab coffee together outside the event and talk more. Alright, hope you guys have an amazing week ahead! Have lots of fun tinkering! 


Sherman is your least suspecting individual. In his free time, Sherman enjoys tinkering with electronics & robotics, as well as hacking old/broken toys/appliances. He currently shares a deep passion & calling in the area of advocating the empowerment & support of every child & youth's potential for greatness.

]]> 2019-04-23T19:34:00+08:00 2019-04-24T17:20:21+08:00 Connecting More Than Just Straws Sherman Chen I’m not sure if you’re a 80s or 90s kid, but if you were, then you should remember how back in school, our teachers would either be using straws to challenge us to build something with it using scotch-tape, or to teach us certain concepts and ideas. And yes, back then, the kind of straws were quite literally the same drinking straws we used. And for some of us, we even used those same straws at some point for our school science/social studies projects. Personally, I’ve had a lot of fond memories playing around with straws and using them to create some pretty interesting structures and so on.

Now, let’s fast-forward about 20 years into the future! Over the last couple of years, I have had the privilege of being exposed to the educational technology industry (to put it in a more easily understandable term, we call it STEAM/STEM Education). STEAM Education also stands for the following subjects:

  • S – Science
  • T – Technology
  • E – Engineering
  • A – Arts
  • M – Math

All of which I happen to share a really deep passion for.

What is the Goal of STEAM Education?

Before we actually dive into what Strawbees is and what I believe they can ultimately offer, I want to give you a quick overview of the STEAM Education space and this would also help to set the foundation and context for many of the future articles that I’ll be writing for ozgenkimya.

STEAM Education aims to provide equal opportunities to people, young, old, professional, non-professionals, to have a chance at being exposed to different skills within the different fields that was mentioned above. As the rest of the world progresses rapidly towards what we call, the Industrial 4.0, the required skillsets for our next-generation of talents have to be different from the ones that we’re already familiar with today. Important skillsets includes problem-solving, critical thinking, learning from failures, communication skills, and risk taking, are now considered some of the most in-demand soft skills for our children in 10...20 years’ time when comes time for them to step into the respective industries.

Rather than giving you the atypical STEAM Education sales pitch, I’m going to focus on what truly matters & also the reason why you should be paying attention to it.

Real Skills for the Real World

Speaking as a former practitioner, I am also a strong advocate when it comes to the concept of continuous learning. I’m a very hands-on person by nature, which means that I tend to focus a lot more on creating something with the skills that I have learned rather than just focusing on the theory side of things. The greatest inventor of our century, Albert Einstein said that “playing is the greatest form of research [learning]”. As children, many of us are already picking up various skills that we would later apply it into our daily lives that will help us to either solve problems, or think imaginatively, leading to the invention/innovation of new ideas to make the world a better place for others.

Beyond the soft skills, we also want our children to be equipped with some of the more important technical skills which can also be applied and used to help solve many of our real-world problems today (and in the near future). With STEAM Education & the brand/products involved, these children/youths will now have the means to transform their ideas into potentially real-world models. And these skills will also follow them into their work life when the time comes.

Strawbees: “Dream Big. Build Bigger”

That’s just something that I read on the cover of the “Crazy Scientist Kit” by the brand Strawbees. One of the things that I love about Strawbees is the fact that the team behind the brand has found a way to turn these simple straws into a product that allows anyone to start connecting the individual construction pipes (that’s the term that we will be using throughout the rest of this article as well as future articles) and create some pretty amazing structures and objects. What is even more amazing is this – with the additional programmable components like the Quirkbots, LEDs, SERVOs, learners will be able to give life to their Strawbees projects. Now, you can even build a moving car out of construction pipes & rotational servo motors. In one of the ideas that I am working on with a private coaching student of mine, we even have the idea of building a drone using nothing but what is available with the Strawbees kits as well as adding a few extra motors/fans.

Now, to be totally fair, we have absolutely no idea if this drone idea of ours is ever going to take flight like how we imagined it. But one of the most important aspects of STEAM Education is helping the learners to understand that they don’t have to get it right the first time. And sometimes, it is okay to fail. Many of the greatest ideas and inventions in real life have experienced multiple failures/learning cycles before they even get to the final production stages.

Currently, I am also actively using Strawbees as one of the brands when it comes to providing my own personalized private STEAM Coaching. For example, during one of my coaching sessions, I would construct a collapsible cube using the construction pipes to explain what skewing an object means. And it was also part of the effort to help explain a mathematical concept to the child.

One of the Most Value-adding STEAM Education Brands

In closing, I believe without a doubt that Strawbees is one of the most value-adding brands in the industry. If you were to make a comparison in terms of pricing, I have to admit that they are probably one of the most affordable brands/products. But just because they are low on the “price tags index”, it doesn’t mean that they are any less good. In fact, some of the parents I have spoken to that have also invested in Strawbees for their own children have felt that Strawbees is a brand that provides nothing by a value-added learning experience, because they finally understand now that where Strawbees is concerned, it is always about connecting more than just straws.

In my next article on Strawbees, I plan to dive much deeper into what the products are capable of, especially with the use of the various electronics components from the Coding & Robotics kit. And I’ll also be happy to prepare a series of articles that will share some of my personal tips & ideas of what you can do using the different product components! So make sure you stay tuned!


Sherman is your least suspecting individual. In his free time, Sherman enjoys tinkering with electronics & robotics, as well as hacking old/broken toys/appliances. He currently shares a deep passion & calling in the area of advocating the empowerment & support of every child & youth's potential for greatness.

]]> 2018-08-20T16:34:00+08:00 2018-08-20T23:22:01+08:00 Making Imagination Real - 3D Printing Pen Technology Judith Pascal

If you could touch and feel every idea or piece of art your mind conjured, wouldn't that be just splendid? Or maybe something that you created in your drawing book years ago could finally be turned into a tangible masterpiece?

Technology has significantly changed the way we work, and the way we produce and imagine things. Ideas don't have to be just ideas; there are enough tools and gadgets available that can help us turn them into actual products and objects.

Breaking away from two-dimensional images and art, a 3D pen (or 3D printer pen) brings your work out of the paper and gives it an actual structure of its own. Using plastic, which is basically materials like ABS, PLA or Flexy as the “ink” to create art. 3D printing in today's world is a whole other ball game!

You can draw on a particular surface and move upwards, creating a perfect 3-dimensional image that you can touch, feel and see like an actual object.

Related: 3Doodler PRO, the future of 3D Printing is now!

How does it work?

The pen needs to be connected to a power source to work. Once connected and turned on, the plastic material moves through the pen, goes through a patented melting and cooling process, and then comes out through the tip. You can use it to draw either in the air or on a flat surface as well.

These devices are pretty innovative and can be used to create some stunning work. Art enthusiasts all over the world have been using these pens and experimenting with its capabilities. So, if you’re looking to buy a 3D pen, there are a number of brands and variants in the market to choose from. However, since this is a relatively new technology, you must be careful while making a purchase.

3D printing in today's world has been revolutionized to become very much accessible to people. You could check here to see what are the best options in 3D pens in the current market. Choosing the right 3D pen for you has all to do with what you want to create, how comfortable you are using one, how much you're willing to spend on it, and so many other factors.

For now, let's look at the pros and cons of using a 3D pen:

The Pros:

  1. Whatever idea you have in mind, you can turn it into an actual, live creation using a 3D pen. There are several tutorials that show you how you can do this in the most efficient way possible. And they also come with vibrant filament colors, so there's nothing to stop your imagination.
  2. 3D pens are not very expensive for what they are able to do. These come at a nominal price, and most brands don't price them too highly. This means that even if you're just fascinated by the idea of a 3D pen and want to try one out, you can always purchase one and not feel the pinch of it if you don't use it regularly.
  3. 3D pens can be used by absolutely anyone. Right from professional artists to enthusiasts who aren't too great at drawing but still want to give it a shot, anyone can buy a 3D pen and enjoy its features. There are also some brands which have specifically designed a range of 3D pens that can be used by beginners and even kids above a certain age.

The Cons:

  1. Getting the hang of using a 3D pen can take some time, and doing it without any guidance or freehand would be quite a waste of time (and filament) for a beginner. And, considering that filaments are not as cheap as ink or lead for a pencil, you do have to be a little more careful while experimenting with a 3D pen.
  2. Although these pens are very handy, they aren't exactly very comfortable to use. Some users have complained about noise while using, the filament coming out too slow, the model not drying fast enough, the mechanism of using the pen being too complicated, and so on. So yes, there are a few downs to it, but the end result isn't too bad.


All-in-all, one can't deny that 3D pens are pretty cool, and open up a whole number of new opportunities for artists and enthusiasts. If you want to know more about these pens and where to get them, you could check here. With proper research, understanding of the technique, and maybe even some video tutorials, you could easily explore a whole new world of creation with a 3D pen in hand!

]]> 2017-01-24T19:47:00+08:00 2017-02-15T22:37:39+08:00 Playing it Old School in a Modern World Huibin Zhou

In today's world, the importance of technology is undeniable to a child's development but a balance and grounding on living outside of the virtual world is important too. Also, when a child creates and plays with something they created and can touch, there is a sense of pride and ownership that does not come with creating something in the computer. To this creative end, we introduce to you the products from Seedlings, which focuses on giving control of play to the child. Play which nourishes the creative side of a child. Here are our Seedling products we are proud to show off. 


Seedling's Mini Foosball set allows your child to build their own Foosball table and share it with friends over-friendly competition. 

Seedling Design Out Loud! If your child is tech savvy, let them trick out their computer with speakers that they built and designed themselves. 

Seedling Design your own Marble Maze. Another toy they can build themselves and can be left on the dining table for all to play. Let a child feel pride that their creation is being enjoyed by all. 

Design a Ping Pong Ball Launcher. Allow play time as a soldier, policeman or many a computer game character of their choice with a custom made gun of their design. 

Seedling Junior Doctor Kit. This comes with a real stethoscope and allows a child to discover how the human body works and write down their observations. 

Seedling My Ice Princess Crown. Let the creative side of your child crown themselves royalty in real life as in their dreams.  

Seedling Galaxy in a Jar. Decorate the home with a child's imagination with the exploration of space and ideas. 

Seedling Let it Snow Snow Globe. Let your home have the feeling of festivity year round with your child's happiness shining in a globe.  




]]> 2016-11-10T23:18:00+08:00 2017-04-25T16:58:05+08:00 3Doodler - The World's First and Best 3D Pen Huibin Zhou The age of 3D printing is upon us but often doesn't come cheap if you're planning to own one of those easy to use 3D printers. So if you are still interested in the medium for you or your family but do not want to break the bank doing so. Then let me introduce you to 3Doodler.  

3Doodler is the award-winning 3D printing pen that has enthralled the creative minds of children and adults alike in the creation of some amazing pieces of art. The best of which are featured in their yearly 3Doodler Contests with prizes amounting to U.S.$7000 in 8 categories. Below are 2 examples from 2015.

The way this marvel of technology works is by inserting the filament into the 3Doodler pen and through the use of heat generated within the pen will melt the filament into a molten form that one can manipulate with the movement of the pen. The variety of filament colours and properties ensures you'll always find the suitable materials for your next 3Doodler project.

There are two type of pens, both available at ozgenkimya, 3Doodler Create for ages 14 and up at $149 and the 3Doodler Start for younger children ages 8 and up which goes at a smaller price tag of €79.90. So what are you waiting for, embrace you or your child's creative side and get doodling! ]]>