ozgenkimya - News 2024-09-06T19:09:43+08:00 ozgenkimya 2018-07-18T20:58:00+08:00 2018-08-20T18:31:20+08:00 Big Heads Kros Board Games Equals Big Fun Huibin Zhou

Do you like Anime, eye-catching Board Games, detailed pre-painted Chibi Miniatures and a easy ruleset that will see you and your friends up and playing in no time?  

Well if you do, then ozgenkimya has two offerings that will pique your interest to rush down and enter the world of Kromaster. 

The world of Krosmaster is a fantasy world filled with magic, powerful but CUTE AS PIKACHU IN A HELLO KITTY ONESIE characters, creatures and demons fighting to assert that they are the very best, like no one ever was. And in today's article, not just in the art of combat but sports too!

First of these offerings is the 2-4 player Krosmaster Arena 2.0, which is the updated and new version of Krosmaster Arena released in 2012 and although the game has been updated, all the characters in the earlier edition are compatible with the 2.0 version and vice versa.

That being said if you have not played Krosmaster, the 2.0 version has an excellent tutorial system that will teach you the game step by step and on top of which help you to learn to play each character in 7 easy tutorials. Even then, the game is actually very simple. In summary, each of your characters have a certain amount of action points you can spend to move, attack and do other misc actions such as claiming rewards, etc. 

The action point system gives the game a depth of strategy and tactics yet there is also tension from the combat and some magical abilities that uses the wonderful custom dice provided in the game which shows hits, defence, lock and dodge symbols.  

Lastly, no game will be the same, especially if you have more characters which you can get from the second game we will be talking about below or the older Krosmaster sets and expansions. This is because you can draft or point buy your team of characters to mix and match abilities that will help you to gain victory in a myriad of dice rolling, action planning fun, all in your own style!


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Next up is the 2 player Boufbowl, which is the rugby/soccer like sport in the world of Krosmaster. Unlike Krosmater this game is a race to score 2 goals before the other player. 

Like Krosmaster Arena 2.0, all the characters in Boufbowl have cards that makes them compatible with Krosmaster and vice versa. The game is also simple to play and easy to learn with a quick play beginner mode which after you can upgrade your play experience to with the "Expert Mode". 

Play wise, Boufbowl plays even more simply than Krosmaster  2.0. You have 3 actions per team, which can be used to move, pass, tackle and other abilities, that can be enhanced by spending action cards that match the action your activated character is doing. And yes, tackles are done via dice rolls, so again tension abounds like in a real sports match!

Once you are comfortable with the game, you can then proceed to the expert mode that introduces coaches and the crowd watching the game!

The coaches provides each team with a character that can help the team to play better. This is done by discarding cards to the coach board but unlike the above can be any card from your hand. 

The other addition are the crowds which are cards you can buy that again supplement or improve your abilities but might be cheaper if you choose a player of a certain type such as runners. 

So that is a summary of the Krosmaster world games coming to our shores. If you have any interest in the above games or any other item from our catalogue, do feel free to contact us at! 

E: [email protected]
Zhou Huibin is a smith of words who majored in Philosophy & History from the University of Western Australia and whose life has followed the flow of his hobbies. He seeks continual contentment in his ponders, reading, writing, painting and board games which fills almost all of his time.
]]> 2017-07-25T19:15:00+08:00 2017-07-25T19:24:13+08:00 Got what it takes to become a Legendary Inventor? Huibin Zhou

Lead a team of four of the greatest minds that changed the world through three ages of time and patent inventions or create the smartest inventions to become the greatest Legendary Inventors

Legendary Inventors is a simple game that delivers in the strategy department for the whole family that aims to be fun yet teaches about famous inventors in history too. In fact, this is emphasised as the game comes with a  biographical booklet that has summaries of the inventors featured in the game. 

Gameplay starts with each player getting 4 inventors and during their turn, they can either send out one of their inventors to put his expertise into an invention or refresh all of their inventors so they can be sent out once again to do more inventing.  

When you send out an inventor to work, you will first flip the inventor's card sideways to show he is exhausted and then take the number of cubes on his card and then you are allowed to place them on any amount of inventions that fit the symbols that the inventor is knowledgeable in. If the invention is finished then rewards are given out in the order of contribution. The person with the most cubes on the invention chooses first which reward they want, be it the invention itself or the tokens on the invention, such as upgrade tokens that adds more knowledge to your inventor. 

The other action one can do is to refresh all your inventors, this is done by turning all your inventors back upright so you can use them all again. 

As you see turns between players are really fast and thus even with the full complement of players, the game can still play in about 40minutes to maybe an hour. Also, as the game goes on, the game's decisions get harder as for example if you can collect the requisite upgrade tokens that fit your inventor's card on the bottom right, then that is extra victory points. Also, if you get inventions, they all have symbols beside their victory points that score higher as you collect more of them that differ from one another. 

Later on in the game, it is imperative to go for what earns you the most points but this information is all open and people may take what you want if you don't rush in first to patent a particular invention. So planning is required.

In conclusion, Legendary Inventors is definitely one to get for the family as it is light enough that the family can play and still interact with each other and for regular gamers, this is a good filler that probably gives more depth of thought than say Love Letter. 

As a huge thank you for reading this far and enjoying our content, here is a discount code INVENT10 for the game at S$10 off when you purchase the game via our website till the end of August!! 

E: [email protected]
Zhou Huibin is a smith of words who majored in Philosophy & History from the University of Western Australia and whose life has followed the flow of his hobbies. He seeks continual contentment in his ponders, reading, writing, painting and board games which fills almost all of his time.
]]> 2017-05-09T23:14:00+08:00 2017-05-09T23:21:01+08:00 Suburbia: It's Sim City without a Computer Screen Huibin Zhou For the masses, the equation of city building equating to fun was probably first started by the world renown series of computer games called Sim City. In fact, Will Wright, the video game designer of Sim City found that out too by accident, when he had more fun designing the city background to a game than playing the game itself. Thus Sim City came to be. 

Since then, there have been many city simulation games made in the digital form. This demand not going unnoticed by the tabletop hobby and especially Bezier Games, who made Suburbia, the highest ranked city building board game on BoardGameGeek, the world's most popular boardgaming site. 

In Suburbia, you are in charge of building a borough and you want it to be the most populated among all your other competitors.

The board game feels like one of the scenario campaign missions in Sim City as at the start of the game, several public victory goals are decided on randomly with each player getting one private one too, which only that player can do. Thus like one of those scenario missions, you have a niche way you want to build your borough that accomplishes as many goals as possible. 

During a player's turn, they first choose a tile from the row of those available and then after paying for it, build it in their borough for it's effects. Such as green tiles are residential areas and usually gives you population while blue business tiles usually gives you money.

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Add to that, many tiles are connected indirectly to other player's boroughs. Such as airports that gives that player a benefit everytime another player builds an airport. Thus Suburbia is not a multiplayer solitaire game. You actually want and have to keep track of what the other players are building and doing to win. 

Although the art style is somewhat bland. At the end of the game, you do feel you have built a borough with a distinct personality and probably will still want to take a picture of it as i did with my libertarian borough called Independence Hill. 

Suburbia has many pros, it is fun, plays in about an hour and a half, is interactive and has quite a bit of strategic value to each decision. The downsides of the game is that it is probably on the heavier side strategy wise for newer gamers to the hobby and the luck of what tiles get revealed during a player's turn . 

Overall, a thumbs up from me and it truly gives me the feeling I had from playing Sim City when I was a child and yet, does it in less than 2 hours. 

E: [email protected]
Zhou Huibin is a smith of words who majored in Philosophy & History from the University of Western Australia and whose life has followed the flow of his hobbies. He seeks continual contentment in his ponders, reading, writing, painting and board games which fills almost all of his time.