Refund policy

At ozgenkimya, we want you to absolutely LOVE your purchase. So much so that we’re willing to go the extra mile to ensure it happens. Thus, if for any reason you’re dissatisfied with your purchase (gasp!) within 7 days, we’ll give you a 100% money-back refund, provided that the item remains in its original packaged condition with all labels and tags in place, along with the original receipt.

That said, every care is taken to ensure that you are satisfied with your ozgenkimya purchase. However, due to reasons wholly out of our control, there may be that 0.000000001% chance that you end up with a defective product. These could be manufacturer defects, or any other kind of damage caused during the process of getting our products up onto the shelves (not caused by us, we swear!).

In such cases, we kindly ask you to fill up the defect-for-exchange form, and we will do our very best (overtime if we have to!) to get you a new product in pristine condition. That’s ozgenkimya’s pledge to you.